The vestry administers the church funds, represents and communicates with the congregation, and provides leadership in areas of ministry at All Saints’.
Vestry members include the rector and elected members of the parish, who serve a three-year term. All vestry members are members of the parish in good standing and pledgers of record. The vestry elects a treasurer and a clerk. From among its members, the rector appoints a senior warden and the vestry elects a junior warden. The rector, senior warden, treasurer, and clerk serve as officers of the corporation.
Vestry members serve as spiritual leaders of the parish by articulating and promoting the vision and mission of the parish. They are also agents and legal representatives of the parish. They ensure effective strategic planning, care for our human resources and stewardship, as well as our physical assets such as the buildings and grounds. They are responsible for raising funds, approving an operating budget, and managing expenses. The vestry supports all our ministry teams and monitors results. Vestry members are elected by members in good standing at the annual meeting, which usually takes place in January. Most vestry meetings are open to all members; when necessary, a closed session is called to discuss sensitive matters in the strictest of confidence.
If you are interested in serving on the vestry, please contact one of the vestry members or the rector. You may also be interested in reviewing The Vestry Handbook online that offers some guidelines, training and insights for our church vestry.