Fellowship Groups

Coffee Hour, Brunch and Potlucks

Coffee Hour, Brunch, and Potlucks:  After each Sunday worship service the community gathers for fellowship around coffee and appetizers in the courtyard or Grant Hall depending on the weather.  It is a wonderful time to meet people and to catch up with one another.

After coffee hour a group of people always go to a local restaurant for brunch for further fellowship and fun.

Five or six times a year we also gather as a community for a potluck meal together in our parish hall.  Sometimes we have presentations and opportunity for discussion.

Outdoor library stand at All Saints' church in Carmel. California

Book Group

The All Saints’ Book Group is an energetic and thoughtful group that gathers the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the library across from Seccombe Hall to discuss books, nurture friendships, and share a light supper. The group selects books for the year based on members’ recommendations. A different member volunteers to lead the discussion each month. We read a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction titles.

Please join us for a fun and spirited evening. We always look forward to sharing new insights and to welcoming new friends.

Contact Sarah Joy Nielsen, 1truelibra@gmail.com

The Prayer Shawl Ministry

All Saints’ has a small but committed group of three ladies that meet on the third Thursday of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the church office.  The purpose is to maintain a selection of blankets, lap robes and afghans suitable for men, women or children who may need a reminder that they are held in our prayers during times of stress: hospitalization or home confinement, or for when a new baby is born.

Please consider joining; you don’t have to commit to every month, and if it is impossible for you to be present physically, but love to knit, crochet or quilt, we would be happy to add something you have made to our collection.

The All Saints Carmel Garden Guild plans and supervises the "greening" of our extensive gardens and ensures we are being good stewards of the environment.

Garden Guild

All Saints’ Church is committed to being good stewards of our environment. We are in the process of diminishing our carbon footprint by switching to LED lighting and redesigning several other systems. We are considering the installation of solar panels on our large south facing roof.

The role of the Garden Guild at All Saints’ is to plan and supervise the “greening” our extensive gardens.

We are consulting with a Master Gardener on the use of drought tolerant plantings and the conversion of our sprinkler systems to a drip system. We are also using only organic pesticides and fertilizers. Our gardens are famous for the beauty of our summer roses and annuals, the exuberant display of colorful tulips at Easter and the serenity of our newly completed Memorial Garden. The Guild will preserve and enhance the beauty of our gardens while being mindful of our responsibility to the ecosystem.