Dine With The Divine

In monasteries around the world, monks and nuns usually have at least one day a week where they listen to sacred readings during their mealtime. We invite you to join us as we integrate this sacred practice in the ordinary act of sharing a meal together. Bring your lunch and listen in silence to sacred readings, podcasts, social justice advocates and mystics. After listening and eating we will reflect with one another on what we heard and how it moves us to contemplation and action. We will begin by listening to short readings by Thomas Merton and the podcasts of James Finley about Merton's work as a contemplative and a social justice advocate. All are welcome!  


Lenten Series-“The Time Is Now”

Soup & Salad Luncheon with Discussion In The Time Is Now, Sister Joan Chittister--a rabble-rousing force of nature for social justice and fervent proponent of personal faith and spiritual fulfillment--draws on the wisdom of prophets, both ancient and modern, to help us confront the societal forces that oppress and silence the sacred voices among us. Pairing scriptural insights with narratives of the truth-tellers that came before us, Sister Joan offers a compelling vision for readers to combat complacency and to propel ourselves toward creating a world of justice, freedom, peace, and empowerment. For the weary, the cranky, and the fearful, this energizing message invites us to participate in a vision for a world greater than the one we find ourselves in today. This is spirituality in action, this is practical and powerful activism for our times. Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 To register, contat Rev. Amber @ rector@allsaintscarmel.org Order your book now from your favorite vendor.