Centering Prayer Mercy Center Virtual Retreat November 2020

Newcomers to and experienced practitioners in Centering Prayer are invited to participate with the Mercy Center’s upcoming virtual retreat November 13-15 via Zoom. “Healing and Transformation on the Contemplative Plath” will be co-facilitated by Rev. Amber Sturgess, and Mercy Center staff members Catherine Regan, Ph.D., and Joy Andrews Hayter, Ph.D. — all three are spiritual directors and experienced Centering Prayer facilitators.

The weekend is designed as a time to be with God and with a praying community — to encourage integration of prayer with daily life and to deepen consent to the transformative nature of this contemplative practice. The online flexible format will include Centering Prayer practice sessions, teaching sessions, and small group experiential processing.

You are invited to join in, beginning Friday at 10:00 a.m. and concluding Sunday at 1:00 p.m. The cost is $225 and scholarships are available upon request. Registration is open until November 6 at or by telephone (650) 340-7474.

Read the Full Flyer and Register

NOTE: This link is corrected from the original and is now fully functional.