Spiritual Formation

Find rest and spiritual renewal

Welcome to All Saints’—a sacred space for spiritual transformation in Christ. We encourage everyone to embrace a life-long commitment to evolutionary consciousness in Jesus Christ through the spiritual practices of prayer, worship, study, fellowship, and service to the community. At All Saints’ you are invited to explore your faith and to find deeper meaning in life and in your relationship with God and others. We offer a wide variety of formation opportunities throughout the year to support you on your spiritual journey, and we welcome your exploration and participation. May you find rest and peace for your soul.

Seeking God, Seeking Christ

This is a six-week seminar on the Benedictine spiritual practices that enable us to live out the Gospel of transformation in companionship with Jesus Christ. Benedictine prayer and spirituality are the backbone of the Book of Common Prayer and therefore shape our belief and understanding. In the class we will explore the spiritual practices of worship, the Daily Office, Lectio Divina, prayer, stewardship, the baptismal covenant, our parish covenant, mission, and vision; we will also introduce how to establish a rule of life, and discuss the importance of the gifts of listening and hospitality in community. This class is foundational for understanding the mission and vision of All Saints’ and everyone is welcome to participate. If you are seeking to become a member of All Saints’ we highly encourage you to attend. The class is held once or twice a year. Watch for announcements. Facilitated by Rev. Amber.

Seeking God Together

A spiritual director introduces and facilitates the experiential practice of listening prayer in an eight-week group setting offered once or twice a year. By becoming comfortable with silence, receiving the other in radical hospitality and loving kindness, and accepting our life-long opportunities for growth—we better orient toward the transformative journey of going deeper with God and each other in community. Participants learn to pay attention to the movement of the Spirit in our everyday lives as we share and listen to our questions and experiences of God. Listening well to God first, draws us into better listening with each other. Prior participation in Seeking God, Seeking Christ and Centering Prayer are highly recommended.

Centering Prayer Group

Centering Prayer, a form of meditative prayer called the “prayer of the heart”, is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and of the Desert Fathers and Mothers of the early church. Through the practice of Centering Prayer we learn how to surrender to love, to abide in divine love, and to enjoy the numerous fruits of the practice: appreciation of silence and solitude, less susceptibility to stress, deeper reverence for the divine in and through nature, willingness and commitment to a life of reconciliation and peace, and longing for and realization of our full union with God, with humanity, and with all life forms on our planet. The practice of Centering Prayer encourages us to cultivate an open mind, heart, and will as we seek spiritual transformation in Christ. The group meets every Thursday at 5:30 pm in the Chapel (corner of 9th & Lincoln) for meditation, contemplative reading, and discussion. Facilitated by Rev. Amber.

The Friends of St. Benedict

The Friends of St. Benedict (FOSB) is the local chapter of the national organization of the same name. Our group is led by William Reed, a former religious and monk. Every month, on the third Wednesday at 3:30pm in the chapel, we begin with Evening Prayer and Lectio Divina. We continue with study of the Rule of St. Benedict, as a paradigm of Christian living, and we also study both a selected traditional and a contemporary author from the longstanding Christian spiritual tradition. The purpose of the FOSB is to integrate monastic and spiritual wisdom into the practice of our Christian life.

Lenten Series

Every year during Lent the congregation gathers on Wednesday evenings for a soup supper and seminar with Rev. Amber. We come together to share a delicious meal and compelling conversation, where we give and receive hospitality and listen deeply for the Spirit’s movement in our community.

Bible study

Bible study, also led by William Reed, is held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 10:30 am in the library. Bill is a theologian who has taught religious studies, philosophy and English for over 20 years. His insights draw out the transformative power of the Scriptures, and the loving and respectful participation of the group makes this a deeply enriching learning environment.

Wisdom Days

Every other month the community gathers for a half-day of prayer and work at the church, where our tasks are accomplished in silence and contemplation. Combining prayer and work together in this traditional Benedictine rhythm allows us to incarnate the Word of God within and to deepen our relationship with God and others. There is something for everyone to participate in ranging from gardening and campus repairs to re-filing the library collection. Sharing lunch together, we pause to appreciate the fruits of our labors, the beauty of our campus, and the richness of our community friendships.